von Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. (ed.). 1992g.
Foreword |
Prospects for a New Structuralism: Introduction |
Hans-Heinrich Lieb |
1 Nine Principles of New Structuralism |
1.1 Introduction |
1.2 The principles |
1.3 Heuristic nature and modesty (Principles 9 and 1) |
1.4 New mentalism (Principles 2 to 4) |
1.5 Ontology and linguistic diversity (Principles 5 to 8) |
2 Documenting the principles |
2.1 Introduction |
2.2 Section I: Philosophical Issues |
2.3 Section II: Frameworks |
2.4 Section III: Areas |
2.5 Prospects |
An interactionist position |
Philip Carr |
1 Objective knowledge and realism |
2 Structuralism and generativity |
3 The Nine Principles |
References |
The Case for a New Structuralism |
Hans-Heinrich Lieb |
I. Introduction |
1 Problem and aim |
1.1 Realism vs. cognitivism: two opposing claims |
1.2 Aim of this essay |
1.3 Arguing for realism |
2 Cognitivist linguistics and linguistic intentionality |
2.1 Representation linguistics |
2.2 The problem of intentionality |
2.3 A connectionist solution? |
II. Background |
3 Two general claims |
3.1 Linguistic Object Claim and Linguistic Structure Claim |
3.2 Abstract vs. concrete |
3.3 Constructive ontology |
3.4 The notion of extra-mental |
4 The intentionality of speech |
4.1 The concept of action |
4.2 Speaking as an action |
III. The argument for realism. New Structuralism |
5 Arguing the Linguistic Structure Claim |
5.1 Outline of the argument |
5.2 The argument |
6 Linguistics as an intentional discipline |
6.1 On the Linguistic Object Claim |
6.2 The Intentionality Hypothesis |
6.3 Linguistic interdisciplines |
6.4 Summary |
7 New Structuralism |
References |
Classical structuralism and present-day Praguian linguistics |
Petr Sgall |
1 Character of the language system |
1.1 Openness and complexity of the system |
1.2 On the stratification of a language |
2 On the autonomy of a language |
3 Language use |
4 On the teleological approach |
5 Conclusion |
References |
Noematic grammar |
Klaus Heger |
The functional model of UNITYP dimensions |
Hansjakob Seiler |
1 Introduction |
2 Basic thoughts |
3 An example of a dimension: Participation (overview) |
3.1 Introduction |
3.2 The techniques as bundles of subdimensions |
3.2.1 Positing participation |
3.2.2 Participant/participatum distinction |
3.3 The ordering of the techniques in the dimension |
3.4 Conclusion |
4 Basic notions |
5 The gradual unfolding of the model |
6 H. Lieb's principles of new structuralism |
References |
Integrational Linguistics: Outline of a theory of language |
Hans-Heinrich Lieb |
0 Introduction |
0.1 Aim and method |
0.2 Integrational Linguistics |
1 Background |
1.1 Languages, varieties, idiolects |
1.2 Systems |
1.3 Integrational grammars |
1.4 Language and speech |
2 Phonology |
2.1 Introduction and overview |
2.2 Base forms and features |
2.3 Units, categories, and structures |
2.4 Functions |
3 Morphology |
3.1 Introduction |
3.2 Base forms and units |
3.3 Categories |
3.4 Structures |
3.5 Functions |
4 Syntax |
4.1 Introduction |
4.2 Base forms, units, and categories |
4.3 Structures |
4.4 Functions |
5 Lexical semantics (morphosemantics) |
5.1 Introduction |
5.2 Basic idea for lexical meanings |
5.3 Meanings as concepts |
5.4 Lexical meaning composition |
6 Syntactic semantics (sentential semantics) |
6.1 Introduction |
6.2 Syntactic meanings |
6.3 Syntactic meaning composition |
6.4 Remarks on syntactic meaning composition |
References |
A new structuralism in phonology |
Jerzy Banczerowski, Jerzy Pogonowski, and Tadeusz Zgólka |
0 Introductory remarks |
1 Philosophical properties of linguistic theories |
2 Methodological properties of linguistic theories |
3 Change and persistence of structuralist ideas |
4 A contribution to the theory of phonological oppositions |
5 Some aspects of the logical reconstruction of structuralist theories |
6 Is generative phonology reducible to structuralist phonology? |
7 Concluding remarks |
8 Appendix: Lieb's Nine Principles of New Structuralism |
Bibliography |
The structuralist heritage in Natural Morphology |
Wolfgang U. Wurzel |
1 Natural morphology |
2 Natural morphology and generative grammar |
3 The structuralist heritage |
3.1 Jakobson: semiotics — motivation — iconicity |
3.2 Coseriu: system dependence — system congruity |
4 Conclusion |
References |
What are language histories histories of ? |
Roger Lass |
1 Problemstellung |
2 Language and mind(s), mind(s) and metalanguage |
3 Speaker 'involvement': a sketch for a model |
4 Time and change: diffusion and population-thinking |
5 Postlude and prelude |
References |
Index of names |