Selected papers in Integrational Linguistics: abstracts

Please find below a selection of papers in Integrational Linguistics, published since the beginning of the year 2000 and characterized by means of an abstract and, whenever possible, by a table of contents. (For previous papers, consult the Bibliography of Integrational Linguistics.) The papers are listed in reverse chronological order — the most recent papers come first.
Drude, Sebastian. 2008. "Inflectional units and their effects: the case of verbal prefixes in Guaraní".
In: Robin Sackmann (ed). Explorations in Integrational Linguistics: four essays on German, French, and Guaraní. (Studies in Integrational Linguistics, 1). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 285). 153–189.
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 2008. "The case for two-level phonology: German Obstruent Tensing and Nasal Alternation in French".
In: Robin Sackmann (ed). Explorations in Integrational Linguistics: four essays on German, French, and Guaraní. (Studies in Integrational Linguistics, 1). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 285). 21–96.
Nolda, Andreas. 2008. "Topic integration: syntax and semantics of German 'split topicalization'".
In: Robin Sackmann (ed). Explorations in Integrational Linguistics: four essays on German, French, and Guaraní. (Studies in Integrational Linguistics, 1). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 285). 191–220.
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 2005. "Notions of paradigm in grammar".
In: D. Alan Cruse, Franz Hundsnurscher, Michael Job, and Peter Lutzeier (eds). Lexikologie / Lexicology: Ein internationales Handbuch zur Natur und Struktur von Wörtern und Wortschätzen / An international handbook on the nature and structure of words and vocabularies. Vol.2. Berlin etc.: de Gruyter. (= Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 21.2). 1613-1646.
Sackmann, Robin. 2000. "Numeratives in Mandarin Chinese".
In: Petra M. Vogel, and Bernard Comrie (eds). Approaches to the typology of word classes. Berlin etc.: Mouton de Gruyter. (= Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 23). 421-477.