A Selection of Books

Here are some books (in chronological order) originating from Integrational Linguistics plus some collective volumes relevant to the approach. You have access to the table of contents of each book by clicking on the reproduction of its cover.
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 1968c. Communication complexes and their stages: A contribution to a theory of the language stage. The Hague; Paris: Mouton. (= Janua Linguarum, Series minor 71).

A preliminary English version of part of Lieb (1970c).

Lieb (1968c)
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 1970c. Sprachstadium und Sprachsystem: Umrisse einer Sprachtheorie. Stuttgart etc.: Kohlhammer.

After an in-depth analysis of Saussure's conceptions centering around the 'synchronic' and the 'diachronic', a detailed axiomatic theory is developed so as to dissolve the apparent dichotomy, assigning primary status to the historical dimension of languages. The structure of linguistic systems is left undetermined.

Lieb (1970c)
Eisenberg, Peter. 1976e. Oberflächenstruktur und logische Struktur: Untersuchungen zur Syntax und Semantik des deutschen Prädikatadjektivs. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Linguistische Arbeiten 36). Eisenberg (1976e)
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. (ed.). 1980q. Oberflächensyntax und Semantik. Symposium anläßlich der Ersten Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (Tübingen, 28.2.-2.3.1979). Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Linguistische Arbeiten 93).

The proceedings of a 1979 workshop: contributions on approaches that share the surface orientation of Integrational Syntax and its attempt to determine sentence meanings on the basis of surface structures. Both the pre-1983 version of Integrational Syntax and an early version of (Lieb's) Integrational Sentence Semantics are characterized.

Lieb (1980q)
Fischer, Bernd-Jürgen. 1981b. Satzstruktur und Satzbedeutung. Plädoyer für eine semantikfundierende Oberflächengrammatik; am Beispiel der Bedingungssätze des Deutschen. Tübingen: Narr. (= Ergebnisse und Methoden moderner Sprachwissenschaft 12).

An early, pre-1983 version of Integrational Syntax is applied in a comprehensive study of conditionals in Modern German. The semantic part, equally comprehensive, uses translation into an interpreted language of logic, developed by the author, to interpret German conditionals on the basis of their syntactic structures.

Fischer (1981b)
Lutzeier, Peter Rolf. 1981a. Wort und Feld: Wortsemantische Fragestellungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wortfeldbegriffes. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Linguistische Arbeiten 103).

A comprehensive theory of lexical fields that uses the Integrational concepts of word and word paradigm to identify the elements that may figure in a lexical field but makes its own semantic proposals, based, on the one hand, on a reconstruction of sense relations as introduced by Lyons, and on the other, on a stereotype concept of lexical meanings.

Lutzeier (1981a)
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 1983b. Integrational Linguistics. Vol. I: General outline. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 17).

The single most fundamental exposition of Integrational Linguistics to date, going far beyond a mere introduction. Excepting Phonology, the Integrational Theory of Language (Morphology; Lexical Semantics, with an emphasis on Morphosemantics; Syntax; and Sentence Semantics) is characterized in detail, and the Integrational Theory of Grammars is presented in full, emphasizing its fundamental structure rather than technical detail.

Lieb (1983b)
Eisenberg, Peter. 1986 etc. Grundriß der deutschen Grammatik. Stuttgart: Metzler.

This is a grammar of Modern Standard German, presenting its major areas, and taking into account the results of recent research. It is an aim of this grammar to enable its readers not only to follow, but also to make and evaluate grammatical analyses. The grammar adopts as its theoretical framework the theory of Integrational Syntax in an early version, i.e. a version previous to Lieb (1983b) (see above). The "Grundriss", in its various editions, may lay claim to being the most successful recent grammar of Modern Standard German. It is now replaced by a two-volume version, vastly expanded and thoroughly revised (Eisenberg 1998, 1999; see below).

Eisenberg (1986)
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. (ed.). 1988c. BEVATON — Berliner Verfahren zur auditiven Tonhöhenanalyse. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Linguistische Arbeiten 205).

The results of a work group on methods in intonation research are presented: BEVATON is a computer-assisted auditive method for the assignment of pitch contours that consists of a system of algorithms, including segmentation algorithms. The book includes a study by Lieb on the theoretical foundations of auditive speech analysis.

Lieb (1988c)
Richter, Heide. 1988. Indexikalität: Ihre Behandlung in Philosophie und Sprachwissenschaft. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Linguistische Arbeiten 217).

A comprehensive study of the treatment of indexicality in philosophy (omitting Peirce) and a selective study of its treatment in linguistics, leading up to detailed proposals for solving the major problems of indexicality in an Integrational syntactic and semantic framework: the basic idea is drawing a distinction between indexicality due to lexical meaning and indexicality as covered by syntactic meaning, and showing their interaction. Many proposals of detail are made for lexical words and syntactic constituents.

Richter (1988)
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. (ed.). 1992g. Prospects for a New Structuralism. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 96).

A number of different approaches in linguistics are characterized by major proponents to establish the possibility of a 'New Structuralism' as characterized by Lieb; Integrational Linguistics, whose theory of language is also outlined in the book, is one of these approaches. Others are, for example, Neo-Praguean linguistics, or the approach to historical linguistics developed by Roger Lass.

Lieb (1992g)
Moltmann, Friederike. 1992. Lokalität und Individuation: Studien zur Ereignis- und Nominalphrasensemantik. München: Fink. (= Studien zur Theoretischen Linguistik 12).

This book applies the Integrational Theory of Sentence Meaning as developed by Lieb (especially in Lieb 1983b, 1983a) and is devoted to major semantic problems of nominal and verbal constituents of sentences. The semantic aspects of different types of nominals (individuating, pluralic, continuative quantifying expressions) are treated and an event semantics is developed to clarify verbal meaning and its interaction with the meaning of nominals. The integrational framework, which is also used to cover the analysis of generic sentences, is to some extent modified.

Moltmann (1992)
Lieb, Hans-Heinrich. 1993g. Linguistic variables: Towards a unified theory of linguistic variation. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 108).

Nearly all major approaches used in modern linguistics in the study of linguistic variation are characterized and reconstructed, and a theory of linguistic variation, both language internal and between languages, is developed that includes the results of Lieb (1970c); in addition, the (meta-)language of typology and of variation-sensitive grammars is systematically characterized, expanding the Integrational Theory of Grammars.

Lieb (1993g)
Falkenberg, Thomas. 1996a. Grammatiken als empirische axiomatische Theorien. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Linguistische Arbeiten 346).

A re-evaluation of the Integrational Theory of Grammars from a classical, 'non-structuralist' position in the philosophy of science. The author eventually proposes a modified framework so as to avoid or solve certain problems raised, in his view, by the Integrational Theory.

Falkenberg (1996a)
Peters, Jörg. 1997. Lautproduktion: Kognitive Grundlagen sprachlicher und vorsprachlicher Äußerungen. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. (= Psycholinguistische Studien).

Starting from seminal work done by Lieb (e.g., 1992f) and presenting carefully argued definitions, Peters develops in Part I the first general theory of speech production representing the point of view of 'intentionalist mentalism'. Part II presents the results of a vast empirical study that applies the theory of Part I to pre-linguistic and early linguistic utterances of children. The book outlines an alternative to current cognitivism in a major area of its intended applications.

Peters (1997)
Eisenberg, Peter. 1998. Grundriß der deutschen Grammatik. Band 1: Das Wort. Stuttgart: Metzler.

Differently from their treatment in the original one-volume "Grundriss" (Eisenberg 1986 etc., see above), the phonology, morphology, and orthography of Modern Standard German are here presented in a separate volume. The Integrational Theory of Language as developed by Lieb is used for general orientation; there are, however, significant deviations in matters of detail. The aims of the original "Grundriss" remain unchanged.

Eisenberg (1998)
Eisenberg, Peter. 1999. Grundriß der deutschen Grammatik. Band 2: Der Satz. Stuttgart: Metzler.

The syntax of Modern Standard German is here presented in a thoroughly revised, partially rewritten version of the most recent edition (1994) of Eisenberg (1986 etc.) (see above). The presentation continues to adopt as its theoretical framework the theory of Integrational Syntax in a version previous to Lieb (1983b), but the author now follows Lieb (1983b) in his conception of lexical words, which in the present volume allows for, among other things, a better treatment of semantic roles. The aims of the original "Grundriss" remain unchanged.

Eisenberg (1999)
Eschenlohr, Stefanie. 1999. Vom Nomen zum Verb: Konversion, Präfigierung und Rückbildung im Deutschen. Hildesheim etc.: Olms. (= Germanistische Linguistik: Monographien 3). [Ph.D. diss. Freie Universität Berlin, 1997].

A synchronic presentation of verbal word formation in German. Motivated by the controversy about word-syntactic vs. paradigmatic morphology and based on Lieb (1983b; 1992b), the theoretical part develops an explicit format for morphological and morphosemantic description. Among other things, it is proposed (following Eisenberg) to differentiate between a head and a nucleus relation in order to solve problems of 'headedness' of prefix-verbs.

Eschenlohr (1999)
Drude, Sebastian. 2004. Wörterbuchinterpretation: Integrative Lexikographie am Beispiel des Guaraní. Tübingen: Niemeyer. (= Lexicographica, Series maior 120).

This study explores the semantics of dictionaries: it formally explicates how dictionaries may be understood. For this purpose, dictionary entries taken from an outline of a Guaraní-German dictionary following established lexicographic practice are provided with standardized interpretations. Each dictionary entry is assigned a formal sentence making its meaning explicit, taking into account both content words (allowing for polysemy), and function words and affixes. Integrational Linguistics proves its usefulness, theoretical and practical, both in the description of Guaraní and in metalexicographic practice.

Drude (2004)
Nolda, Andreas. 2007. This book studies a much-discussed syntactic construction of Modern German generally known as "split topicalization" and called "topic integration" here. After a comprehensive presentation of the empirical domain and a discussion of alternative analyses in the literature, the author develops a syntactic and semantic analysis, that also takes 'information-structural' meaning aspects into account. On the basis of this analysis, he outlines the definition of the construction name in the theory of language as well as the identification of the construction in German grammars.

Nolda (2007)
Sackmann, Robin. (ed.). 2008b. Explorations in Integrational Linguistics: four essays on German, French, and Guaraní. (Studies in Integrational Linguistics, 1). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: Benjamins. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 285).

The aim of this book is to demonstrate how some controversial issues in language description are resolved in Integrational Linguistics. The four essays united here cover nearly all levels of language systems: phonetics and phonology ("The Case for Two-Level Phonology" by Hans-Heinrich Lieb, on German obstruent tensing and French nasal alternation), morphology ("Form and Function of Verbal Ablaut in Contemporary Standard German" by Bernd Wiese), morphology and syntax ("Inflectional Units and Their Effects" by Sebastian Drude, on the person system in Guaraní), and syntax and sentence semantics ("Topic Integration" by Andreas Nolda, on 'split topicalization' in German).

Sackmann (2008)